Among the mess brought about by the ice and snow is a little bit of fun, of course! We headed outside this afternoon to play in the snow! The girls and I went out for a little bit yesterday, but soon after we got out there the freezing rain started. Macee has been unsure of the snow, taking some bribing to get her to come out of the garage. I don't blame her, I'm not too excited about it either! Rylee, on the other hand, was so excited to see the snow yesterday morning she didn't even care that she wasn't able to go to preschool (schools were closed yesterday, are closed again today, and I look for them to be closed tomorrow also)!

Macee, all bundled up.

Ry, excited to be out in the snow!

Macee came out of the garage to ride in her car...she drove it into the snow (with a bit of help from Mommy)!

Marty shoveld the driveway - if we EVER move where there is more snow than this, we will have a snow blower!
(Make sure to noticed his pink gloves - a manly man!)

I'm the one who takes all these fun pictures - thought I would take a self-portrait for proof that I am outside, in the grossness...and I'm SMILING!

We have HUGE icicles! Of course, we just have lots of ice everywhere!

Macee tasting Rylee's icicle.

Macee having her own. She finally realized it is a good idea to wear her gloves while not only being outside in this cold weather, but also while holding a huge piece of ice!
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