Southern Indiana has been blanketed with snow and ice over the past 48 hours. It all started Monday night with a bit of snow. We woke up Tuesday morning to snow on the ground and school being cancelled. By noon, freezing rain had started and continued well into the night. The mall closed early, which luckily enabled me to stay home and not endure the winter weather. Marty had come home early, but when he pulled into the driveway, the car was already covered in ice. This morning (Wednesday) at about 2AM our power went out for the first time - it came back on not too long after, thankfully. Unfortunately, sometime between 6:30 and 7AM it went off again, leaving us in the dark and without heat until about 10AM. Macee tried turning on cartoons a couple of times and when the TV wouldn't come on, she would ball up her fist and start grunting in anger...quite a funny site!
Anyways, we got another 3 inches or so of snow on top of what had already fallen and the ice that accumulated overnight. Schools are closed again today, the mall is closed also. Marty's company was on a 2 hour delay, but he got an email saying that they had no power...he chose to stay home knowing that without power he wasn't going to get any work done there. So, the Laritz family is having a snow day...together!
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