Us girls headed up to Brazil yesterday afternoon for the night. We went up to see Granny, but to also have some face time with Nina, Papaw, Adam, Haylee, and Hally! We had a fun, short and sweet visit!
It's so fun to see Rylee and Macee interact with Hally and Hally's reception to them!
Macee wit Nina - Macee looks like she is contemplating spitting in Nina's hair!
Nina and the girls. It's hard to get a pic. with all the lil' ones looking...especially when Hally is a stinker and doesn't find me interesting.
Rylee hugging Hally - Hally looks as if she is thinking, "um, NO?"
Nina and Macee were being goofy!
Papaw and his girls - ain't that so sweet?
Papaw and Nina with the girls - we tried a couple times - like I said, it's hard to get a good pic. with lil' ones (although one time Nina was the one not cooperating!)!
A fun time was had by all. We had dinner, visited Granny, showed off the new van, and then the real fun started. Mom, Dad and me took pics. of each other and applied it to their cell phones so that when they call each other their pics pop up and when I call them my picture comes up -don't worry - Daddy has already called from his cell since I've been home to see if it works - I have a pic. of a FedEx truck that is on the screen when I call him or he calls me!
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