We took the girls up to the Clark County 4-H fair. We thought it would be fun for them to see the animals and since Rylee was such a dare devil on the rides in Gatlinburg, thought she might want to ride the ones at the fair! Of course, the animals didn't go over to well...for some reason my children don't like anything that walks on 4 legs! Macee wasn't too enthused about the rides, but Rylee LOVED them!
Rylee was lovin' it!
Ry and Macee checking out the ride - Macee decided NOT to ride....again!
We FINALLY got Macee onto a ride! The parents of this girl with her were trying to coax this little girl to ride the ride also. They asked if she could ride with Macee and I said sure, whatever! I should have said NO! As soon as the little girl started crying, they stopped the ride so they could get her off...Macee realized she was crying and her parents were coming to get her and so Mace started to cry! So, I took Macee off the ride...and put Rylee on!
Rylee riding the Dumbo ride!
Finally, something Macee enjoyed! The duck game...which was jank because you just picked up some ducks. There were no numbers on the ducks bottom like there should have been. You basically paid to pick up some ducks and pick out a prize. For $ you could have a small prize, but for $$ you could have a great inflatable toy (We got a monkey - a cheap, probably will be thrown away soon because it doesn't stay inflated, monkey!)!
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