We added to our family today! We'd like to introduce our newest princess, Miss Ellee! Ellee is a 7 week old yellow Labrador Retriever!
Marty and I had been discussing getting a dog for awhile, it's been something that we would talk about and then just drop. Lately, we'd been talking a lot about it. When I got back from Brazil yesterday, he hands me the Classifieds section of the paper and says, "Call about these."
I called this morning, they had 2 females left of 2 litters equaling 18 pups! The girls and I went over this afternoon to look at them ... I couldn't NOT get one after seeing them!
Both Ellee and her sister looked a lot alike. Ellee was a bit darker through the head and nose and her "angel's wings" are lighter and more distinguished. Both pups were playful and when asked which one wanted to go with us, both jumped and yelped! Rylee kept saying that they both wanted to go with us ... we only need 1 dog!
Since getting home with her, we've had no accidents (watch me jinx myself with that one), she's been playful and then has napped a lot, and she's done minimal chewing on MY flip flops! As I type this, she is in her kennel for the night - quiet. When I first put her in there, she whined a bit and I got that look from Marty, but she will stay in there tonight and until she is trained completely.
The girls are getting used to her - slowly, but surely. Macee is the most intimidated by her, I think because Ellee isn't too much smaller than Miss Macee! Plus, Ellee is a puppy so she is jumping and sniping - all of which is not cool with Macee! The girls will get used to her and will eventually accept her completely as their "sister!"