One of our adventures while in Gatlinburg was the Ripley's Aquarium! It was great fun for kids of all ages! They had sea creatures of all sorts, some in small tanks and others in a huge tank that you could actually walk under! The tank that you could go under, you were actually able to see the fish, sharks, sting rays and turtles swimming all around you! It was absolutely amazing!

Nina and the girls checking out some fish - in a small tank!

These catfish just sort of hung out. It was like they weren't the ones on display, we were! These 3 remind me of a trio of tenors - like they are about to sing us a song! (I know, geeky!)

A sting ray swimming over us! How often do you have that happen?

A shark swimming over us!
This was so awesome!

Macee and Pepaw looking at a huge tank full of fishies - lil' Hal running all over the place!

Macee looked so small against this huge tank! It was great to see the girls amazement and wonderment!

Thad - he's a scuba man!

Look at this strange creature!
This is Thad up inside a tank full of mini sea horses!

Thad and Rylee swimming around!

Watching all the fish swimming around wore Macee out! She zonked out on Kelsey towards the end of the aquarium tour!
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