We learned that it doesn't matter where you celebrate Christmas this year. Not only did we have Christmas with my Dad's side of the family at a hotel, but we had our family Christmas there also! Mom and Dad, Adam, Haylee, and Hally, and Marty, the girls and I all got together in Mom and Dad's room and opened presents together! There's nothing like opening presents while sitting on a hotel bed or dresser! A Christmas memory made and one that will not easily be forgotten!

Macee opening presents...Daddy thought she needed a hair bow!

Hally eating the wrapping paper! I could have just gotten her a roll of paper for Christmas and it would have been the best present EVER!

A Word Whammer for Ry!

We got Mom and Dad non-prepaid cell phones for Christmas, but I couldn't resist picking this bottle of windshield stuff for Dad. It was only like $4 something at WalMart, but he's too cheap to buy it for himself. He sprays it on his windshield before he leaves in his big truck at night and when he gets back the next morning and is ready to go home, he won't have to scrape the ice off his car!

Talk about a kid on Christmas! Adam was overly excited about these beer mugs we got him for Christmas! I like knowing I got him something he will use!
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