The girls and I headed up to Brazil last week to spend a few days with my parents. My mom and I had intentions of taking the girls to the Indianapolis Zoo - bigger than our Louisville Zoo and offering many more animals to check out! BUT, the weather was cruddy and so we decided to take them to The Children's Museum in Indianapolis. By the time we got up to the museum and were in line to get tickets, the weather had cleared and it looked like it was going to be an alright day outside. We chose to stick with the museum though!
Once inside the museum, we realized that had an awful lot of construction going on (they are redoing their entrance and were constructing a few new exhibits) and they had some of the fun, kid-friendly exhibits closed for some reason. There were a lot of kids there on field trips and the lunch area was PACKED - not to mention it cost me $20 for 2 slices of pizza, 3 breadsticks, a small bowl of mac and cheese, a small bowl of grapes, a drink for me, one for Ry, and a milk for Macee - seems like a lot, but trust me, it was NOT worth $20. I know though, that's to be expected on extravaganzas as such!
There were some things inside the museum that were enjoyable! The girls LOVED the Glass Arts exhibit (pictures below), riding the carosel, and doing the hula hoop! Although, we did have a fun day with Nina at The Children's Museum....
Right Nina?

The girls building their scuplture out of (plastic) glass bulbs!

lil' artists

Ry working diligently.

She looks like a perfectionist!
While we were in Brazil, we also had our toes done, saw Granny (still wheeling herself around...), got to see Uncle Adam at work with his awesome Pepsi truck (even got a couple free Pepsi), and ate the infamous Mario Bros. restaurant!
We missed lil' doodle though! Hally was headed to the beach while we were up there! It made for a very quiet time at my parents house!!!