Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Is there a doctor in the family?
My aunt, Sherry, graduated from Ole Miss this spring with her Doctorate in Philosophy! She's always called me "Dr. Justice," I always knew she was going to be the doctor! We love you Gigi and we're so proud of you!
Congrats Grad!
Future Star
Thursday, May 21, 2009
First and Last
Look How Cute!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Busy Bees End of Year Celebration (VIDEOS)
These are the videos from Rylee's class End of Year Celebration!
Super cute, but are kind of long...I didn't want to turn off the camera because they moved from one thing to another so fast at times and then others they didn't! So, you get to hear what Ms. Barb had to share with us parents as well as the kiddos sing!
I put all the videos into one blog! YAY!!!
Busy Bees End of Year Celebration!
We're still debating on Macee going to the Beginnings class in the fall...there are some days I'm all for it!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Performance Day Video Pt. 3 (AWARD)
This is a short video of Rylee receiving her trophy and ribbons at Performance Day!
SUPERHERO Performance Day!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Sneak Peak...Recital Pics.
Rylee's Mother's Day Gift
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dance Parent Observation Day (Video Pt 6)
This is the final video!
Hope you've enjoyed seeing our lil' dancer in action!!!
Dance Parent Observation Day (Video Pt 5)
Out little bunnies getting their carrots!
Rylee can't always be seen - she is on the left side of Miss Heather :)
Dance Parent Observation Day (Video Pt 4)
Miss Heather, Rylee's dance teacher is quite great! I love how animated she is with the girls and how they all mimic her enthusiasm!
Dance Parent Observation Day (Video)
Awhile back I blogged about Ry's dance class having a Parent Observation Day. I promised I would get video up as soon as Marty got it they are!
(There are a few videos, I didn't think you'd want to see all the other girls. So, there will be a couple video blogs!)
Do You Wanna....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Singing in the Shower
She's a performer! Last night we got, on video, Rylee singing in the shower! It was too funny hearing her! We're not sure what the songs are, one is from our new Veggie Tales, but it's pee your pants hilarious!
Singing to Hally
This is the video from Hally's first birthday party of us singing Happy Birthday to her! She absolutely LOVED everyone singing TO HER! I hope you can see her facial expression thru the video - it's priceless!
(Oh, and pay no attention to the video title - Marty must have had a brain fart and put it as Haylee's birthday, not Hally's)
Our Lil' Starlet
Monday, May 4, 2009
Rylee, Flower Girl Princess
Rylee was a flower girl in a wedding of a very close childhood friend, November 2007. Rylee was 3 at the time! This video is of the flower girls walking down the aisle - turn up your volume so that you can hear Rylee - hilarious and priceless!!!
Rylee's Derby Video
This is a clip of our lil' jockey, Rylee, and her horse, Charlee, in their Derby race last Thursday at preschool! Rylee won by default - the other racers had a false start!