Monday, November 24, 2008
Lying in Church
I volunteer in the nursery at our church every other Sunday. Usually when it's my 'nursery weekend' we all got to church on Saturday evening and Ry goes back with me on Sunday...she enjoys church so much. Yesterday was my Sunday in the nursery so Rylee and I went to church and then afterwards headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for our trip to Michigan this week. At Wal-Mart they have posted their holiday picture greeting cards that you can have made at the check-outs. Yesterday as we were checking out Ry points to the card posted in front of her (it was of 2 boys) and says, "I told my teacher at church I have two brothers." My mouth seriously dropped in surprise. I asked her if she really said that, for verification, and she said yes! I told her that it wasn't very nice to tell her teacher at church that and that next time she saw her she needed to tell her she only has a sister. Of course, it was funny...I couldn't and still can't help but laugh about it. I Rylee that if she wants to see what it's like to have brothers I can send her to Mississippi to stay with the Ransier boys for while....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Grey Day
Rylee stayed home from preschool on Thursday because she had been running a temp. and complaining of her ears hurting. (Both her and Macee have double ear infections and are on antibiotics.) Unfortunately, she missed out on 'Grey Day' at school. So, we had our own 'Grey Day' at home. Ry mixed black and white paint to make grey and painted a picture for both Mommy and Daddy.
Sleepy Head
I've not quite decided what type of parents this makes us, but we let Ry watch TV until she falls asleep at night (can't decide if that makes us cool or bad parents). She usually doesn't watch for too long before she is zonked out, so I don't feel too awfully bad about it. ANYWAYS, lately we've been allowing Macee is lay with her for a few minutes and watch Elmo or Baby Einsteins before we put her into her bed. One night I went in to get Macee and take her to her bed and this is what I found.
Our Own Sweet Santa
Macee has a love for powdered doughnuts and this is the "sweetness" it does to her face! All she needs is a red coat and some reindeer!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Not Always Sweet
Playing House
Nina and Papaw got Rylee the Rose Petal Cottage last year for Christmas. It has become more fun to play with now that sissy can play as well! The girls take care of their babies, do "laundry" and make Mommy and Daddy cupcakes, ice cream, and milkshakes! It's so sweet to see our girl's playing together nicely! I love watching their little imaginations running!
Sick Girl
Poor Macee has been battling a head cold for a week now (sharing it also). It has gotten better, but she still has the runny nose and cough. Last Sunday night she woke up and could hardly breathe, Mommy slept with her in the recliner so she would be elevated and could breathe a bit better. We didn't sleep as well because of this. Macee hasn't zonked out without being held or in her bed since she was an infant. She must have been really tired to fall asleep, sitting up, on the couch that next morning while she watched cartoons.
Yes, those are dinosaur jammies...she picked them out herself!
Just a Few Nerds
We found these nerdy looking glasses in the $1.00 bins at Target. Of course, we bought them so they could be added to Rylee's dress up drawer. We occasionally all have fun with them!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Little Helper
Macee LOVES helping unload the dishwasher! She's all about getting the silverware out and putting it into the drawer for us! The only problem we have is when we're trying to get the dishes loaded and she's unloading them and we have to go find which were dirty but got put into the drawer by our little helper!
Sharing is Fun!
Nina and Papaw bought Rylee this great desk for her birthday this year. Usually the girls fight over it because Ry wants to use it for what it's suppose to be used for and Macee wants to use it to climb on! Today though, the girl's found that sharing is fun! If only they would realize that it also requires less energy than screaming at each other and trying to take the object from each other until Mommy or Daddy have to break up the fight!
Color Days
Rylee's preschool class has been having color days since October. Each day is a new color and they wear that color to school and also paint, color, etc. with that color. Ry has absolutely LOVED doing this! We continue through November with color and purple are coming up...we have LOTS of those colors, of course!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We have an unlimate favorite for lunch or dinner here in the Laritz household, Spaghettios! Of course, something easy to fix for dinner isn't always something easy to clean up also...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Night with Nina and Papaw
Trick or Treat
Another Halloween has come and gone! This year we had a spirited cheerleader and a little monkey! Ry was actually psyched about her costume this year and was willing to wear it...and go trick or treating. Macee on the other hand, wasn't so thrilled to keep the costume on more than 5 minutes. We got her into it, but weren't able to keep it on her. They were both super cute though!
Unfortunately, we did not get to go trick or treating this year. (Ok, unfortunate for them...Mommy wasn't really too upset about the fact...) Supposedly the mayor of Jeffersonville wanted the trick or treating done on Thursday, the 30th. People were out that day, but we figured that there would be people out on Friday, the 31st as well. We were wrong. Ry was a little upset at the fact that we didn't go, but didn't seem to mind for too long. There will be next year...
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